We are a 100% volunteer driven nonprofit. Volunteers make everything happen with our homeless outreach and street medicine. So, we are always looking for dedicated volunteers to step forward and give of their time and talents.  Below is a list of volunteering opportunities:



Street Ministry Team (Active Ministry of Presence volunteers)

-          Street teams go out two (2) nights a week (Tuesday and Thursdays)

-          Must be willing to undergo an 8-week formation

-          Must be over 18

Street Ministry Prep Team (Families volunteers)

-          Perfect role for families who want to join MercyWatch

-          Prep weekly/monthly for ministry

o   Make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

o   Assemble emergency kits

Supplies Team (Acquisition, Organization and Storage volunteers)

-          Develop relationships with suppliers of needed survival items and student volunteers:

           o   Socks, socks and more socks

           o   Sleeping bags

           o   Blankets

           o   Coats, gloves, hats

           o   Emergency kit items

Street Medical Team (Experienced Medical, Mental Health, Social Worker Providers volunteers)

-          Volunteer at a clinic (Providers-MD ARNP DO, Nurse, Medical Assistant, Scribe atient Record Keeping/Documentation

-          Assisting with clinic care coordination (driving to appointments, etc. - we always travel in pairs for safety)

- Medical supplies acquisition/coordination

-          Professional training and certification

-          Patient Record Keeping/Documentation

-          Talk directly to our Medical Team Volunteer Coordinator: volunteer@MercyWatch.org

Business Team (Experienced CPA volunteers)

               -          Accounting

               -          Audit Preparation

-          Policies & Procedures

               -          Best Practices

Fundraising Team (Experienced Fundraising Professionals)

               -          Grant writing

Communication Team  (Experienced Communications professionals)

-          Publications/Mailing

-         Marketing

-         Communications

-         Website

-          Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

Everett Church Engagement Team (Networking volunteers)

-          Help spread the word to Christian Churches all over Snohomish County

-          Serve as a public speaker

We would love to have you volunteer. Just fill out the form below and join our team. Together we can make a big difference to the lives of those on the margins. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at info@MercyWatch.org.


If you would like to volunteer with us, fill out the form below and we will get back to you to discuss how we can work together.  All Street Outreach team volunteers MUST BE over 18.